Exceptional Expert Witness Referrals

Courtroom Insight strives to be a one-stop shop for all informational needs about litigation professionals. Our Expert Witness Directory presents biographical information, performance reviews, judicial opinions and challenge histories in one convenient location. In addition, our Custom Research services offer comprehensive analyses of specific experts.

However, these tools may not be enough in situations when attorneys have limited time or resources available to locate and vet exceptional experts.

Courtroom Insight Solution:

Courtroom Insight partners with leading expert witness search organizations to provide the best expert witness referrals for specific client needs.

Reliable information on experts with unusual skill sets and/or deep industry expertise

Quick turnaround time with professional information about vetted experts

Free consulting with expert witness search firms for Courtroom Insight clients

When attorneys have limited time or resources available to locate and vet exceptional experts, Courtroom Insight provides free, targeted referrals of quality expert witnesses.

To speak with an expert search specialist, please submit your information below.


You may also call us directly at 415-593-1499 to learn more about expert witness referral services.